Margaret Bridget O’Loughlin Hurst took to heart the lessons taught to her by her mother. She was a faithful Catholic who was devoted to her family and to her community. Known as Maggie in her younger years, she was the eldest child of John and Mary O’Loughlin’s seven children and was born September 27, 1883, 10 years after her father established his trading post and became the first permanent resident of Lakin.
Margaret O’Loughlin with her younger sister, Mary Catherine.
Maggie attended school in Lakin until leaving for Wichita where she received her high school education from the Sisters of Mount Carmel. She graduated with high honors and received a gold medal for Christian doctrine in June of 1903. The popular and well-known young lady returned to Lakin where she eventually became deputy clerk in the District Court. On February 12, 1916, at the Catholic Church in Garden City, Maggie married former Southside farmer Bertchard Hurst who had recently moved to Ingalls where he was engaged in the hardware business. The two made their home in Ingalls until 1920 when they moved to Dodge City. Bert became a highly successful salesman for J.I. Case. He contracted pneumonia after assisting motorists through snow drifts during a severe storm in February 1927 and died on March 5 at the age of 39. Margaret was left to raise their two children, eight-year-old Betty Hurst (Williams) and three-year-old Frederick. Eventually the threesome moved to Lakin and into Margaret’s childhood home to care for her mother, Mary.
During the Great Depression, there were almost no employment opportunities for teenagers, and many young people had nothing to occupy their time. To combat this situation, the National Youth Administration was created, and Margaret was appointed to head the program in Kearny County. She inspired many young people to take an interest in projects for the betterment of the community. The NYA sponsored programs for vocational guidance and recreation, and under Mrs. Hurst’s direction, the local group made many useful things such as road and bridge signs, chairs and tables for schools, and birdhouses for Preston Osborn’s biological survey,
Margaret began researching history in 1942 and became an authority on the history of Southwest Kansas and Kearny County. She was elected as the first historian of the Kearny County Historical Society when it was organized in 1957, and she was an indispensable guide through the tangle of history of the early years of the county. Margaret lived through a great deal of the history herself, remembered stories told to her by the old-timers, conducted many personal interviews, and saved historical articles. She spent a great deal of time corresponding with handwritten letters to those who had moved away from the community to gather information for the History of Kearny County volume books.
In a note addressed to Naomi Burrows, chief of the editorial staff of the second volume, Margaret wrote, “I have sent more than 60 envelopes to the museum, but I am afraid time will run out for me before I get this work completed.” Margaret lived to see the second volume published and tendered her resignation as historian at the age of 92. She died November 3, 1977, less than a month after attending ceremonies for the unveiling of the O’Loughlin monument and dedication of the Kearny County Historical Society site which was donated by the O’Loughlin family.
Margaret O’Loughlin Hurst was a member of St. Anthony’s Catholic Church and the Altar Society, Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, and Kearny County Old Settlers where she served terms as president and secretary/treasurer. She was a kind and true pioneer of the western plains who was always eager to share her knowledge and help others.
Margaret Hurst and her sisters attend the October 1977 unveiling of the O’Loughlin monument and dedication of the Kearny County Historical site. L-R: Mary Catherine Thomas, Margaret Hurst, and Jennie Rose O’Loughlin.
SOURCES: Diggin’ Up Bones by Betty Barnes; History of Kearny County Vols. I & II; archives of the Wichita Daily Eagle, Catholic Advance, Advocate and Independent, and Museum archives.
Much has been written about Lakin’s founding father, John O’Loughlin. He was already highly successful and well-known prior to his marriage, but what would John’s life and the community of Lakin have been like without Mary Veronica O’Loughlin? The matriarch of the O’Loughlin family, Mary’s life was the epitome of living for God, family and community.
Mary Veronica Farrell O’Loughlin age 25
Born in May of 1861 at Xenia, OH, Mary was the eldest daughter of five girls and one son born to Dennis and Bridget Farrell who had migrated to America from Ireland. The Farrell family came to the Sunflower State in the 1870s, moving in with an uncle at Brookville. Mary was tasked with looking after the younger children. When she was left in charge of several younger cousins, a sudden flood came down the stream near where the house was built. Mary took the children to the second story where she kept them safe for several hours before help arrived. When the house caught fire, she took the children to safety and ran back into the burning building when she discovered that a small baby had been left sleeping inside. Mary reached the open air with the infant in her arms just as the entire structure collapsed. Her courage, resourcefulness and protective nature were just some of her endearing qualities.
In April of 1874, the Farrells moved further west to Wilson where Mary attended public school. She had earlier attended parochial school at Junction City for one year. In her parents’ home on February 5, 1882, Mary married John O’Loughlin who was 19 years older than her. A fine supper was served to the large crowd in attendance, and because Mary was well and favorably known in the community, she and John received some very fine and costly gifts. The reception lasted late into the night with musical entertainment being provided by some of the locals. John then brought his bride back to Lakin, and they were given a reception in the Boylan’s White House. The late Carrie Davies remembered that Mary was very shy and amazed that so many people showed up to wish them well. Perhaps Mary was unaware that her Irish husband was such a hero in these parts. The newlyweds made their home upstairs in John’s mercantile store building that had been moved from near the railroad to the corner of Main and Waterman. It was there that Mary gave birth to their first child, Margaret, in 1883. Six more children would follow: William, Mary Catherine, Jack, Jennie Rose, Helen and Thomas.
In 1888, the O’Loughlin family moved to their new home located on the southeast outskirts of Lakin. Education for her own children and those of the community was important to Mary, and a large number of men and women spent time in the O’Loughlin home where they were taken into the family and encouraged to attend school and prepare themselves for lives of usefulness. A devout Catholic, Mary offered her home for services prior to the church being erected. She was a gracious hostess and entertained often.
John and Mary O’Loughlin’s home on the outskirts of Lakin. Subjects are unidentified.
A kind friend and neighbor, Mary walked several miles many times to “sit up” and care for the sick and prepare the dead for burial. “No night was too dark nor a day too stormy to prevent her from going to the aid of a family in need at a time of sickness, injury or death.” When a floral club was organized in 1909 to improve and beautify the grounds of the Lakin Cemetery, Mary was elected president. She had a green thumb when it came to flowers but especially rare and unique ones. She also served a stint as president of the Old Settlers’ Association, was the first vice-president of the American Legion Auxiliary, a member of the Lakin Woman’s Club, and was one of a group of Lakin pioneer women who made garments and gave them to little children and other needy persons of the community.
As the O’loughlins had ranches on the Canadian and Cimarron rivers, Mary went several times to the Cimarron, a distance of 50 miles, driving a horse and buggy. Most of her time; however, was spent in her home taking care of her seven children and raising them with the same priorities and values of which she lived by. The devoted wife and mother died in October of 1936. An unusually large number of old-time friends were among those who came to extend their sympathies to her family and show their respects for Mary, a true pioneer woman who had influenced and helped the community in so many ways.
Mary V. O’Loughlin, selfless mother and wife of Lakin’s founding father.
SOURCES: Diggin’ Up Bones by Betty Barnes; History of Kearny County Vols. I & II; Museum archives; and archives of Wilson World, Dodge City Daily Globe, Lakin Investigator and Advocate.
The fourth child of Lakin’s founding father, John O’Loughlin, and his bride, Mary, was a strong advocate for Lakin and for veterans. Familiarly known as Jack, John Charles O’Loughlin was born in 1888 and attended school at Lakin. He then went to St. Mary’s College at St. Mary’s, Kansas where he received high honors and graduated in June of 1908 from the English Commercial department. Jack returned to Lakin, and in 1910, he and his older brother, Will, began running their father’s mercantile business on the corner of Main and Waterman under the name, “O’Loughlin Brothers.”
John Charles (Jack) O’Loughlin, second son and fourth child of John and Mary O’Loughlin.
Jack had many friends and was well known throughout the area. Not only did he play on the local baseball team, but he also managed teams in Lakin and surrounding towns. Jack also played on the town football team. Wherever he went, he was a proud booster for the growth of Lakin and for those who served our country.
A caricature of Jack O’Loughlin that appeared in the June 9, 1911 Advocate.
In July 1918, Jack left Lakin to answer our country’s call during World War I. He wrote home from Fort Riley in August that he had passed all examinations, and by November 1, Jack was overseas where he was assigned to the medical department of the war. He took care of the sick and wounded at Camp Hospital No. 12 in Dannes-Camiers, France. Notes from Jack often appeared in the Advocate, and no matter the circumstances, his attitude was one of optimism.
Jack O’Loughlin is pictured with his sisters prior to leaving for World War I. L-R: Jennie Rose O’Loughlin, Margaret Hurst, Jack, Mame Thomas, and Helen O’Loughlin.
“Jack O’Loughlin, writing the Advocate from “over the big drink,’ says he is in the best of health, enjoying army life to the limit, and everything quiet as a May morning, and sends kind regards to his friends.”
Upon his return, Jack was back with Will running the mercantile business, and the brothers also had charge of the O’Loughlin’s livestock and farming interests. Jack married Josephine Schwarz at Wilson in 1922. The bride, a graduate of the University of Kansas, was a teacher. Upon their arrival in Lakin, the newlyweds were greeted by their many friends and chivareed in quite an unusual fashion. Jack and Josephine were loaded into an old buckboard coupled to a Ford then “driven at a high rate of speed over town.” The O’Loughlins had two daughters, Patricia and Josephine, and in 1928 the family moved to Garden City where Jack was in the farm implement business. He later went into insurance.
Jack’s dedication to his fellow comrades was unparalleled. He was a charter member and served as commander of the Sheppard-Moore post of the American Legion here at Lakin, and O’Loughlin was a delegate to the 1924 and 1928 national Legion conventions. He was given high praise for his untiring work in making the local post one of the “best in the west.” After moving to Garden, Jack served as the adjutant of the Harry H. Renick post of the American Legion there. He helped organize and was a charter member of the John J. Haskell Veterans of Foreign Wars post and served several terms as its commander as well as commander of the Eighth VFW district. When the McAfee-Stebens Post was organized in Lakin on February 6, 1946, Jack was the Comrade District Commander who conducted the official election for the post’s first officials. From 1936 to 1938, he served as commandant of the Old Soldiers’ Home at Ford Dodge.
Jack was also involved with Lions Club, Elks Club, Knights of Columbus and the Old Settler’s Association. He was very prominent in Democratic politics and was a member of the Democratic central committee of Finney County for many years.
Jack O’Loughlin died unexpectedly in February 1948. The 59-year-old had been admitted to the Halstead hospital several days prior to his death, but his condition had not been considered serious. He had, however, been in poor health for several years.
Jack O’Loughlin is pictured the month prior to his death with his grandson, Johnnie Robison.
SOURCES: History of Kearny County Vols. I & II, archives of the Advocate and Lakin Independent, and Museum archives.
William O’Loughlin was quite the catch. He was athletic, handsome, smart and well-liked. At the age of 29, the eldest son of John and Mary O’Loughlin was elected to represent Kearny County in the 1915 Kansas State Legislature, and he and his brother Jack were running the general store that their father had built decades before. A young Grant County teacher by the name of Grace Blake won over Will’s heart, and the two were married in August of 1918 at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Kansas City.
The happy couple made their home in a “pretty” two-story house on Buffalo Street. The house had recently been remodeled, stuccoed and outfitted with electrical wiring. It was a new beginning for the home as well as for the newlyweds. The house had been built to house the Alonzo Boylan family over 40 years before when Lakin had few citizens and fewer buildings. In its early years, the home symbolized the hope of many Kearny County pioneers who envisioned prosperous futures and a great town springing up along the Santa Fe railway. It seemed only fitting that the son of Lakin’s founding father would make the dwelling his family home.
About 10 months into their marriage, William and Grace were “greatly elated” by the arrival of their firstborn, a 12-pound baby girl who they named Dorothy. In 1921, another baby girl was welcomed to the family, and she was given the name, Mary. Their family was made complete when baby brother, William Jr. or “Billie,” was added to the fold in 1922.
The senior William operated O’Loughlin Brothers general store until 1928 when the brothers sold it. William had already taken up farming and ranching by that time, and in 1931 he was elected to the office of county clerk. Grace became a civic leader and was influential in the organization of the Kansas Federation of Women’s Clubs. She devoted her time, talents and energy to her family, community and the Catholic Church.
Tragedy hit in 1933 when 10-year-old Billie was struck by lightning and died. The entire community mourned the loss of the little boy with a sunny disposition and considerate heart who was frequently called upon to settle playground disputes because of his fairness and honesty.
Three years later, William was appointed to the position of postmaster at Lakin. He retired from that position in 1943, and he was employed in defense work at the airbases at Victoria and Garden City during World War II. Active also in the Lions Club, Knights of Columbus and the Cattle Growers Association, William D. O’Loughlin passed away at the age of 73.
Grace was greatly traumatized by Billie’s death. She died at the age of 93 in 1983 at the Manor Nursing Home in Alma after a long illness. Both she and William are buried in the family plot at the Lakin Cemetery.
Their daughter Dorothy married Bert Sells in 1942. At her funeral in 2003, Dorothy’s children eulogized their mother for always putting her family first yet finding the time for others. She was an avid sports fan, enjoyed playing bridge and loved a good practical joke. Smart and well-read, the gentle-hearted Dorothy often wound up as the caretaker for the family’s many pets. She was living in Cincinnati, OH, at the time of her death.
William and Grace’s daughter Mary married John Walters in 1943. She too was active in church life and her community and loved K-State sports. Having grown up during the Great Depression, Mary had a deep sense of gratitude and a very generous nature. She was always proud of her beginnings, her Irish ancestry and her Catholic faith. A resident of Manhattan, KS, Mary died in January 2003, nine months before her sister Dorothy.
William and Grace’s home remained in the O’Loughlin family even after they moved out. In 1974, their home was deeded to the Kearny County Historical Society by William’s sister, Jennie Rose O’Loughlin, and the “White House” became the centerpiece around which the rest of the Kearny County Museum has grown.
William with daughter Dorothy in front of the White House.
SOURCES: Diggin’ Up Bones by Betty Barnes; History of Kearny County Vols. I & II; archives of The Advocate and Lakin Independent; and Museum archives which were contributed to by members of the O’Loughlin Family.
Since it’s February and romance is in the air, let’s learn about some of Lakin’s pioneer sweethearts!
Thomas Jefferson Pearl was born on Valentine’s Day in 1847 near Terra Haute, Indiana. His father died when Thomas was 10 years old, and his widowed mother moved near Lincoln, Nebraska in 1868 with Thomas and his three brothers and five sisters. The family settled on a farm on what was then the undisturbed prairie. As did so many others, Thomas came to Lakin to work for the Santa Fe Railroad in 1876. A section foreman, he put in 30 years of service for the railroad and also worked at John O’Loughlin’s store. A highly respected member of the community, Thomas also served on Lakin’s City Council.
The love of Thomas’s life, Margaret Catherine White, was born in Dubuque, Iowa, on November 12, 1857. “Maggie” was the half-sister of John O’Loughlin, and she and her mother came to Lakin in May of 1873. They made their home with O’Loughlin in a small dwelling that he had built just north of the railroad right-of-way near where the Kearny County Museum’s parking lot is today. Young Margaret was only 15 at the time. After their mother’s death, Maggie continued living with John and kept house for him.
We don’t know when Thomas and Maggie’s love began to bloom, but according to the late Carrie E. Davies, the whole town was excited over the matter. “A home wedding was out of the question in those days, for we either had to go to Pueblo or to Dodge City for (a) license and someone to say the words to make them one.” Thomas and Maggie chose Pueblo. Chaperone in tow, the duo traveled to Colorado and were married there on November 5, 1879. The Pearls returned to Lakin and made it their home for the rest of their lives. Their eldest daughter, Maude Pearl Nelson, was born in August of 1880 and was the first girl born in Lakin and the second girl born in Kearny County. Their other children were Mabel Pearl Hart, born in 1882, and sons John Thomas and George who were born in 1887 and 1894, respectively.
Thomas and Maggie Pearl, pioneer sweethearts of Lakin, Kansas.
Maggie Pearl was a devoted mother who not only played an important part in molding the characters of her immediate family but also of many in the community. Her Christian life was marked by living faith, kindness and love. A member of the Catholic Church, she also served a stint as president of the Old Settlers Association.
For a time, the Pearls lived in the house near the railroad that John O’Loughlin had built. Their later home sat in the middle of the block just west of the old Ford Garage on Buffalo Street. Some Lakinites may remember this as the McCoy house. In December 1990, the Lakin City Council approved the demolition of the home. Gingerbread trim that was on the dwelling was salvaged and donated to the Kearny County Historical Society. That trim has been incorporated into our house exhibit in the Museum Annex. Thomas Pearl died in 1915, and his beloved Maggie passed away five years later.
Thomas and Maggie were long thought to be Lakin’s first sweethearts, but Ford County records indicate that the first marriage solemnized in Lakin was that of Lucy E. Mudge and Miles W. Allen, a Santa Fe Railroad employee, in February 1874. In the fall of that year, the couple left for Miles’ claim in Rooks County. They made their way to Oklahoma during the Oklahoma land rush and secured a homestead on Bear Creek in Logan County.
In 1895, Miles bought a mercantile where the post office of that area was located. He became a merchant, and Lucy became the postmistress. When the town of Meridian was platted, the townspeople wanted to name it “Allen” after Miles, but he declined the honor as he thought “Meridian” was a more appropriate name since the townsite was on the Indian Meridian. Miles wrote to Washington with his request; hence, the name Meridian was given. Miles, a native of Iowa, died at the age of 74 in 1925. Lucy who was born in Michigan was 83 when she died in 1936. The Allens had four children.
Miles and Lucy Allen, the first marriage solemnized in Lakin, Kansas.
SOURCES: Diggin’ Up Bones; History of Kearny County Vols. I & II; archives of the Lakin Independent and Advocate;;;; and Museum archives.
A picture of Kearny County’s Henley Hedge has been making the rounds on Facebook in recent weeks. The photograph was first posted by the Kansas Historical Society on January 18 and makes this the perfect time to learn a little more about this local legend. Henley Ellsworth Hedge, also known to friends as “Pokey,” was born in 1864 near Caldwell, OH. After receiving his formal education in civil engineering, Hedge headed to Kansas City, Missouri where he surveyed some of the city’s first streetcar tracks, but the West pulled strongly on Henley’s heartstrings. In the fall of 1889, he made his way to Lakin.
Within a few days of his arrival here, Hedge was hired by Buffalo Jones to resurvey and serve as engineer of construction for the Amazon Irrigation Ditch. Hedge designed the first headgates to divert water from the Arkansas River, and the original 300-or-more-foot flume across the rugged Sand Creek west of Lakin was considered one of Hedge’s “masterpieces.” By December of 1890, water was turned into the ditch and was making its way to Scott County at a rate of five miles per day.
Buffalo Jones knew there could be no better man to operate the canal than the man who engineered it, and Hedge proudly accepted Jones’ offer to be Superintendent of the Amazon. The 26-year-old Hedge began patrolling the ditch with a light team of horses, good spring wagon, some shovels and forks, and a hand-forged weed or trash hook. This was no small task considering the canal was the longest one built in southwest Kansas and originated in Kearny County, traveled through parts of Finney County to Scott County, then came back into Finney County and ended at the Gray County line. Returning to Lakin every night after a day’s work was not a viable option, so Hedge often sought refuge with Mr. and Mrs. Hans Eskelund who lived north of Deerfield and about 20 miles from Lakin. Hans, an experienced blacksmith, had helped construct the Amazon ditch, headgates and diversion dam, and his farm was the first to receive water from the canal in 1890.
About this time, a writer by the name of John H. Whitson had come from the East and settled in northern Finney County near the now extinct community of Terryton. According to the late Foster Eskelund, Hans’ son, the writer was intrigued by the large irrigation ditch and had observed Hedge while on patrol. Whitson was inspired to write “The Young Ditch Rider” which first appeared as a serial in “Young People’s Weekly” and then as a book in 1898. Although Whitson used pseudonyms like Golden City for Garden City and Dr. Sarine for notable Finney County physician Dr. Andrew Sabine, the references to this area are undeniable. It is unknown how much of lead character Harry Purcell’s adventures were actually based on Henley Hedge’s experiences, but Whitson was clearly not the only one who admired Hedge. Area newspapers frequently sang Henley’s praises. “The Amazon has the most complete method of securing water of any of our great canals, and the work represents the engineering ability of H.E. Hedge, its superintendent. The Amazon is yearly extending its great water privileges and increasing its number of consumers, and this year many farmers have had reason to congratulate its efficient superintendent on the great value of this canal.”
According to Foster Eskelund, “Pokey” loved his job as ditch rider as it was somewhat tranquil, and it gave him much pleasure to watch the water flowing in the large canal he had masterminded. Hedge liked all the farmers along the ditch, and he once told Foster that the good people in Ohio could not compare with the old pioneers of Kearny and Finney Counties. In July of 1895, Henley married Mary Minnie Logan, the daughter of a Civil War veteran. The ditch rider then began managing the Amazon in such a way that he could spend most nights at home with his bride.
L-R: Mr. Cooper, W.H. Conyers, H.E. Hedge, Walter Longstreth and Wesley Conyers at a camp set up for the Amazon construction crews in 1889.
As head surveyor for the construction of Lake McKinney, Hedge was given the honor of opening the gates to allow water to fill the lake. On February 12, 1907, it was his act of heroism that saved the life of Fred Frost. Hedge was following Frost, civil engineer John Phillips, and rodman Harry Beckett at the newly constructed lake when it was being filled. Certain that they knew where the road was and that the water was shallow, the three men decided to cross instead of going around. Frost turned the team of mules into the water, and Hedge watched as one of the mules slipped off the road bed into deeper water, pulling the other mule and wagon in after him. Hedge leapt from his buggy into the icy water, cut the mules free and managed to pull Frost to safety. Beckett was nowhere to be seen, but Henley could see Phillips. Because he was too far to reach, Henley made his way to dry land and secured a pole then pushed back into the water to rescue Phillips, but the young man refused to take hold of the pole extended to him. Hedge worked in the freezing water for a full hour trying to locate Phillips and Beckett to no avail. “Then someone had the forethought to get him some dry clothes and he worked until 10 o’clock at night when he went home to assure Mrs. Hedge that he was safe.”
Henley worked in the irrigation industry until about 1932, leaving the Amazon in 1904 and taking charge of the South Side Company’s land and ditches. He continued to work in engineering as well. Because of his accurate knowledge of land surveys, he also played a prominent role in the growth of the gas and oil industry in western Kansas. His friends estimated that “Pokey” had done more surveying during his 60+ years of living in Kearny County than all the five or six other surveyors that operated here during the same years. He was very much in demand for his knowledge of the early records and was said to be the type of man who ‘mentally recorded’ all the corners, intersections, and points that were needed. Preceded by his wife in death, Henley Ellsworth Hedge died at the home of their daughter in Washington, D.C. on May 11, 1950. His body was brought back to Lakin and interred at the Lakin Cemetery. Presbyterian minister W.E. Dysart delivered the eulogy at Henley’s funeral, calling Hedge a trailblazer and the builder of foundations. Dysart gave Hedge much credit for the prosperity of Kearny County.
SOURCES: Information provided by the late Foster Eskelund and the Hedge Family; Kansas Historical Society; Diggin’ Up Bones by Betty Barnes; History of Kearny County Kansas Vol. 1; archives of The Evening Telegram, Lakin Independent, Advocate, Investigator and Lakin Index; and Museum archives.
Southwest Kansans can rely on the Deerfield Brotherhood to continue their tradition of serving up the “Grand Daddy of All” groundhog suppers each year regardless of Punxsutawney Phil’s ability to see his shadow. Around 125 volunteers work together to pull off what just might be the longest running groundhog supper in Kansas. Preparations have already begun for this year’s event which is slated for February 7th. Thirty hogs will be butchered this Sunday yielding roughly 4,500 pounds of sausage that will be seasoned with the Brotherhood’s secret recipe. Of this, 1,100 pounds of patties will be cooked and served the day of the meal, and the rest will be sold.
The supper has grown immensely since the early days when the tradition began with a single hog. Brotherhood and Epworth League records indicate that the supper started in 1938 with a profit of $27.17. The first mention of the event in the Lakin Independent was in 1940 when Rev. I. W. Woolard announced that the Deerfield Methodist Brotherhood had decided to put on a groundhog dinner on February 1. Ticket prices were 25¢ and 15¢, and approximately 125 meals were served.
Frank West came up with the idea of the groundhog supper. He and fellow Methodist Ed DeKeyser were instrumental in organizing the Boys Scouts in Deerfield which also became a Brotherhood mission. In addition, proceeds from the supper in the 1940s helped with improvements and supplies for Deerfield’s Methodist Church, bought worship books for local men serving in the war, and aided the youth camp at Lake Scott.
’50s Flashback – Brotherhood members pause for a picture during hog processing. Standing L-R: Bill James, Rev. F.G. Smith, Ed Novotny, Maurice Combs, Carl Jones, Lute Wagner, Orville Smith, and Glenn Morford. Kneeling: Leonard Graham, Rex Miller, and Lynn Cannon.
The suppers were originally served in the basement of the old Methodist Church. The late Max Miller wrote, “The basement could seat 50 and at times the crowd was so large that guests were seated in the sanctuary by numbers and waited until their number was called. The south basement windows were taken out so the food that was cooked at the parsonage, Harley Rector’s, and the High School could be passed through.”
Due to the growth of the supper, the event was moved to Rex Miller Hall in Deerfield’s newly built grade school in 1957. Seating capacity went to 180, and the cost for meals was $1.25 for adults and 75¢ for children. In February 1966, the Garden City Telegram reported that the supper had grown from a two-frying pan operation to a three-kitchen operation with a two-way radio system. The supper had already earned the reputation for being the best in Southwest Kansas, and in 1967, the gathering netted over $1,000 for the first time. Funds from the event in the 1950s and 1960s were mainly used for equipment and emergency expenses at the Methodist Church. The Brotherhood also made 28 wooden banquet tables which were stored at the school and used by other groups such as the Lions and Grange.
Butchering and processing took place at various locations until 1976, the first year that cut-up was done at Duncan Lockers. By 1979, the supper had become more than the Methodist men could handle. Other congregations and community volunteers became involved leading to the formation of the Deerfield Brotherhood in 1980. During the next 10 years, over 10,000 people attended the suppers and over $29,000 in profit was shared with the Deerfield community, churches, and Boy and Girl Scouts. The meal’s growing popularity throughout Western Kansas was evident by local media coverage and supporters who were willing to drive to the little village of Deerfield for what was labeled “The Original Southwest Kansas Groundhog Day Supper.”
In 1992, the event was moved to Deerfield’s Community Building where the seating capacity went to a whopping 396. Sausage was cooked in the old firehouse, biscuits were baked at the Deerfield Grade School, and gravy was stirred together in the Home Ec. Room of Deerfield High School. Still today, the old firehouse and Grade School are utilized for cooking with corn being the only menu item cooked at the Community Building. Volunteers coordinate delivery to the community center, and they have their system down pat. During the 1990s, the net profit distributed throughout the Deerfield community was $30,480, and the Brotherhood established a scholarship for local college-bound students in 1994. This tradition continues with two scholarships usually being awarded each year.
Three generations of the Weatherred family working the ticket table together in 2016.
In 2005, the supper cleared $6,000 for the first time ever. In 2009, 3,600 pounds of sausage was processed, 35 gallons of gravy was used along with 2400 biscuits, the applesauce ran out before the evening’s end, and a record-setting 1,411 meals were served. Last year’s meal netted a record $14,256, bringing the total raised since 2000 to over $190,000.
“It is just amazing how much money has been raised through the years,” said Joe Eskelund, treasurer of the Brotherhood. The men meet immediately following the meal to decide how the monies earned will be used. Proceeds have helped Deerfield’s Summer Celebration, Kearny County DARE, Deerfield schools and churches, the Kearny County Historical Society, Deerfield Community Building, Chachis Place, DHS Trap, Lakin Gun Club, multiple youth organizations, community events and much more.
Cooking the sausage and potatoes in the old firehouse in 2016.
Up to and including the 1999 supper, a time-honored order known as ‘The List’ was used to designate future leaders. Following that year’s event, a ‘By Committee’ leadership was adopted with the work spread among committees which are headed by loyal volunteers. Ross Miller volunteered his time to oversee the big event, and Eskelund agreed to serve as secretary/treasurer. Miller, a 1976 Deerfield High School graduate, and Eskelund who graduated from DHS in 1977 both came up through the ranks, first helping back when young men in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades were required to assist with the meal. Deerfield students still help with serving but are no longer required to.
Miller credits the success of the groundhog supper to the dedicated men who have helped and continue to help pull off the well-orchestrated meal. He said some have been volunteering for more than five decades. “I don’t know where we would be without the help we get. So many deserve praise to be heaped upon them. Many will never have their name mentioned in written word, but those who are in the know understand the efforts of these local heroes and sacrifices they made for the good of the community. It’s been a blessing.”
Beginning in 2000, letters were sent out as a call to arms for volunteers for cut up, ticket sales, set-up and the supper. Roughly 400 letters are sent to rural and town mail boxes just prior to each year’s event, and the Brotherhood welcomes anyone who would like to help sponsor the shindig or volunteer. Membership in the Brotherhood and Deerfield residency is not required; however, volunteers must be male.
While Eskelund plans to continue as treasurer, Miller is stepping down after this year’s event and 25 years of leading the charge. He has been grooming some of the younger men to take his place. Watch the Lakin Independent for more details about this year’s groundhog supper or check out the Deerfield Brotherhood’s Facebook page.
Trent Warden helping with sausage preparation in 2023. “Mother” Warden began overseeing the supper in 1980 and was charged with the task of secretary/treasurer. He resigned from those duties in 1991 but has continued to volunteer his services.
Special thanks to Ross Miller and Joe Eskelund. Other sources included: History of Kearny County Vol. I & II; archives of the Lakin Independent and Garden City Telegram; Deerfield Brotherhood Facebook page;;; and the Winter 2006 Legend.
As one of the first residents of the Deerfield area, Samuel Harrison Corbett was deeply interested in the welfare of Deerfield and its citizens. A highly respected and a prominent member of the agricultural community, Sam was widely and favorably known as a man of sterling worth and a worthy representative of the courageous pioneers who settled the county. In fact, Corbett was once referred to as the number one citizen of the Deerfield Community by Foster Eskelund, a life-long Kearny Countian and former president of the Kearny County Historical Society. Born at Baltimore, Maryland in 1859, he was but 12 years old when his father died unexpectedly. Sam went to Boonsboro, Maryland to live with an uncle and remained in his home for a year. Later he spent two years at Sharpsburg where he rose at 4 a.m. every day to do chores and repeated them each evening after school. In return, Corbett received his board and clothes and $30 a year.
In 1877, Sam left to seek his fortune in Kansas and lived in both Lincoln and Graham counties where he worked for claim holders for board and the barest of wages. He survived on two meals a day with supper being a steady diet of only mush and milk. Sam grew extremely homesick but couldn’t gather enough money to return to the East. He started with a caravan to Silver Cliff, Colorado in 1880; however, when the group arrived at Fort Wallace, Corbett decided instead to remain there and become a sheep herder. He eventually made his way to the Arkansas Valley where he gained employment as a cow punch for the XY Ranch. He traversed the XY’s range from Garden City west to Hartland, and the spring round-ups brought him in contact with almost every hill and vale within a radius of 250 miles. That was a dangerous time, and the ranch boys had to stay on high alert. Sam grew to know all the country, the cowboys, ponies and brands from the Adobe Walls region to the Smoky Hill River and loved the stories the cowboys told around the camp fires on the open plains or sheltered from the storms in the sod bunk house at ranch headquarters.
Sam Corbett and his horse, Pardner.
After four years with the XY, Corbett intended to make a business of catching mustang ponies; however, his plans were changed by a charming young lady whom he wooed and won. In 1883, he married Miss Dolly Caswell who came to Deerfield in 1882 with her widowed mother. Instead of chasing ponies, Sam filed on a piece of land and established his home on the southwest quarter of section 16, township 24, range 35. He built his bride a 14×20-foot box house which was then considered a “mansion” in this section of the country. As his wealth increased, Mr. Corbett added to the house until a one-story dwelling of seven rooms sheltered he and Dolly and their six children.
Sam and Dolly Corbett’s home south of Deerfield.
While working for the XY, Corbett started building up his own ranch; thus, he had a small bunch of cattle to start with when he assumed possession of his ranch. After losing his entire herd in the great blizzard of 1886, Sam borrowed $150 and began buying and selling condemned cow horses. Stock raising became a highly profitable endeavor for Sam, and his tenacity helped to develop the open prairie from a cattle range to a fine agricultural paradise.
Corbett was also a highly successful business man. In 1902, he went into business with Fred Sower, purchasing the grocery house of George H. Tate at Deerfield. Corbett & Sower dealt in general merchandise and groceries, selling everything from pitch forks to “Moses’ best flour.” Sam bought out Sower in 1904 and built a new store building in 1907, advertising as “the old reliable.” Corbett’s store was a gathering place for nearly every resident of the city. He also continued to sell cattle and horses and raise hay on the side. Following his retirement, Sam and Dolly moved to Colorado Springs in 1918.
The Corbett building in 1917 when Sam’s sons operated it under the business name, Corbett Bros. The building was sold in 1920. Most will remember it as the sight of the Deerfield Cafe. The building was razed in November 1989.
Sam Corbett never took an active part in political affairs, but he served as clerk of the first school board of the township. He also served as Deerfield postmaster for over five years and was instrumental in establishing a rural route with over 80 boxes on it. Although he was raised under Catholic influence, Sam became a Sunday school leader and active member of the Methodist Church to which his wife and children belonged. He was also a wide reader of history, both ancient and modern. During retirement, Sam wrote stories of his life on the range and sent them with letters to his friends. Samuel Harrison Corbett died in 1931, and his body was brought back to Kearny County for burial in the Deerfield Cemetery. Dolly died in 1949 and was buried in Evergreen Cemetery in Colorado Springs.
Samuel Harrison Corbett and Dolly Caswell Corbett
SOURCES: A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans by William E. Connelley; Diggin’ Up Bones by Betty Barnes; Southwest History Corner by India H. Simmons; History of Kearny County Vol. 1; Museum archives; and archives of the Kearny County Advocate and Hutchinson Gazette.
Weather forecasters predict arctic temps in the days ahead along with a chance for more snow, but Kearny County still has plenty of the white stuff left over from Monday’s blizzard. Just what kind of winter is in store for Southwest Kansas, and could it be reminiscent of the winter of 1918-1919? Snow blanketed Kearny County with a two-foot snow fall on December 16, 1918, and with temperatures averaging in the 20s, the snow didn’t go away any time soon. Oldtimers who had been here for 30 years or more claimed that they had never saw snow so deep.
On January 3, 1919, a reporter in the Prairie View area north of Deerfield reported that their neighborhood had been snowbound for two weeks with a foot and one-half deep snow and seven-foot drifts. Perhaps the saddest incident reported was the death of John Bender who lived north of Deerfield. The 35-year old father died of pneumonia after a bout with the flu. “When undertaker Nash reached there Sunday (December 29, 1918) there were four bad cases in the home and the father lifeless.” An effort was made two days later “to get a casket to the home and the trip was abandoned after a mile or two of the way covered.”
By January 10, the Advocate reported that the greatest problem in Southwest Kansas was getting feed to the stock, “and it is one of the busiest times our stockmen have ever experienced.” With many cattle to feed and no grass in sight, a large number of cattle were shipped to market and others were driven to the river where feed was shipped in. Four or five hundred tons of hay had been purchased in Colorado and was being shipped to Kearny County by rail which furnished some relief to anxious stockmen. Many tons of straw, alfalfa and cottonseed cake were shipped via the Garden City railroad to Wolf siding from eastern Kansas. Farmers constructed their own sleds of various sizes and shapes to transport feed to their livestock and bring coal home to heat with. With each issue of the paper came more news about horses and cattle dying or being thin and weak near death. Farmers made wooden scrapers and drags to bare the ground, and locals were eager to see the snow go. By January 24, the sentiment was “it is enough for one winter … it will take a lot of “Old Sol’s” heat to melt this deep snow.” Elsewhere in the January 24th Advocate was the report that Dr. Richards had walked eight miles from Deerfield to Lakin on account of his patients as the snow was still a handicap to travel out of broken paths.
Mail delays had become the norm, and at least one carrier abandoned his automobile and resorted to a team and buggy. On February 7, the Advocate reported, “We ascertained Saturday from a trustworthy source that twelve hundred tons of hay had been unloaded at this point in the past five weeks and one hundred tons of straw.” Fortunately, coal dealers had stocked up enough and were able to provide a steady supply of black diamonds to their customers.
“Four degrees above zero Sunday morning . . . we are promised a warm wave by the 18th. We hope it will be warm enough to melt the snow,” was the report in the February 14 Advocate from Prairie View. That same issue carried the news that “Herman Ladner was out riding in his car Sunday, the first car to run in the hills since the 18th of Dec..” On February 21, a Deerfield citizen reported that they still could only see “two or three bare spots of ground.” There were still students who were not able to get to school because of road conditions. “The long distance, mud, snow and slush make it a drudgery for many a pupil and teacher.”
Then came another snow. On February 28, the Prairie View reporter wrote, “We thought that last week, one more day of sunshine would make a finish of the snow, that fell the 16th of December, but on Tuesday night and Wednesday and Thursday, a rain started and wound up with six inches of snow, which seems in no hurry to leave us.” Many complaints were coming in to the county health officer of unburied cattle carcasses and other animals that had perished in the severe weather.
Spring-like days in mid-March, “assured us that the snow would soon be a thing of the past.” Snow in South Kearny had all disappeared except in a few spots where there were heavy drifts. The weather was looking fine, farmers were going to work listing and planting their fields, and the rural people were coming into town again. Mail carriers were once again able to complete their regular routes in a timely fashion. Thinking that winter was over, some ranchers moved their cattle to pastures that had no protection. The Prairie View Sunday School which had been closed since October on account of the flu and impassible roads was scheduled to begin meeting again on April 6.
Then, without warning, came a raging blizzard. The April 11 Advocate said that snow had started falling on Tuesday, April 8, “and up to the hour of going to press was still at it.” A reported 1,000 head of cattle in Kearny County were lost in the April storm alone. The late Henry Molz and his father, Adam, lost 112 head after moving 200 to their pasture two miles northwest of Lake McKinney just prior to the blizzard. In milling around, the cattle either pushed the fence over or packed the snow until they could walk over and drift to the Amazon Ditch. The first ones could not get out, and the rest walked over them. Twelve head drifted into the lake. The Molz’s gave the hides to skinners for removal of the carcasses. “Lydia has received the shock caused by winter number 2,” cried the April 25 Advocate. The report came from the West South Side that “dead cattle are to be seen any way you look, while going along the roads.” Stockmen started hauling hay, cake and chop again as the snow storm found a number of them somewhat short on supplies and weary of a repeat. All in all, an estimated 30% of the cattle in Kearny County were lost during the winter of 1918-1919.
SOURCES: Diggin’ Up Bones by Betty Barnes; History of Kearny County Vol. II; archives of The Advocate, Museum archives, and
Dr. Grant Hastings saved multiple lives and delivered hundreds more into the world during his tenure at Lakin. His arrival here was announced in December 1921 when he purchased the medical library, office furniture, fixtures and instruments that belonged to Dr. George C.W. Richards. At the time, Hastings was in practice in Garden City with Dr. Sanford Bailey. His Lakin office, which he shared with dentist L.W. Hopkins, was over the Kearny County Bank on the southwest corner of Waterman and Main. A graduate of the University of Kansas Medical School, Dr. Hastings had built up a reputation as a careful and competent physician and came to town very highly recommended.
Dr. Grant R. HastingsGrant Hastings lettered in football at the University of Missouri where he took his undergraduate work.
A month later, county commissioners appointed Hastings as county physician of Kearny County. The good doctor who still lived in Garden City and retained an office there was also Finney County’s appointed physician and health officer. Hastings was believed to be the first to hold the office of county physician in two counties at the same time. “The work in the two counties will keep him on the jump but the doctor is young and active and likes to work,” reported the Garden City Herald, “he could if necessary take one or two more.”
Dr. and Mrs. Hastings moved to Lakin in June of 1922, and in the summer of 1926, work was underway on Dr. Hastings’ new building just to the east of the then Lakin State Bank on East Waterman Avenue. The Independent announced that the brick structure was conveniently located and “will be quite an improvement on Waterman.” The doctor made his office on the first floor in the west wing. The Chamber of Commerce rented the upper floor for a club room, and the other rooms were rented out as the dental office of Dr. P.L. Woods and a barber shop. A radio was installed upstairs in the club room which had plenty of windows for light and ventilation.
Hastings Building on East Waterman Avenue
In October of 1927, the Independent announced that the Chamber of Commerce had consented to using only half of the second floor, and the other half had been converted to a hospital as Dr. Hastings had found that driving to Garden City to treat his patients was very inconvenient. There were four rooms, each with an outside window and steam heat. “With the assistance of Dr. Woods in surgical operations and Mrs. Lavina Shinkle, a trained nurse, many cases formerly taken to the hospitals in Garden City can now be conveniently taken care of. The doctor has been particularly successful in surgical work, and all minor operations will be given attention here as well as many of the major operations. All of which tends to show that you don’t have to go elsewhere to be sick; you can have a first class illness right here in Lakin.” The Chamber of Commerce decided to give up their club room in the Hastings building in January 1928, enabling the number of hospital beds to increase to eight.
Dr. Hastings’ name remains just outside the door of his former office where Natural Healing Massage is now located.
Dr. Hastings began dividing his time between Lakin and Garden City in January of 1941 when Dr. Herman Sartorius of Garden City was called to active army duty. In October that year, Hastings located permanently to Garden City. His Lakin office was taken over by Dr. E.M. Ireland. Other doctors to utilize the Hastings building included Rudolph Sabo, Fred Dietrick, and Gordon McAfee. The hospital continued to be used until the Kearny County Hospital (now the building that houses the Kearny County Senior Center) was opened in 1952. Although he no longer lived here, Dr. Hastings actively worked with the hospital committee to help secure funding for the new hospital.
Dr. Hastings retired in 1965 and died in December of 1967 at the age of 78 in Garden City. Among his pallbearers were his Kearny County friends B.C. Nash, Edd Murray and Ralph Hutton. A World War I veteran, he served as a medical adviser on the first Kearny County draft board and was active in several organizations including the Lakin Masonic Lodge, president of the Chamber of Commerce and chairman of the festivities for the dedication of the Kearny County Court House in 1939. Dr. Grant Hastings and his wife, Agnes, had three daughters: Jane, and her twin sisters, Ann and Ellen.
Dr. Grant R. Hastings
SOURCES: Archives of the Lakin Independent, Garden City Herald and Garden City Telegram; Museum archives; History of Kearny Co. Vols. I & II; and